After successfully entering the page dashboard WordPress, a display will appear as in the image below. As for each menu feature and function on the page dashboard that is.
This is the website’s front page, which contains information on the website’s latest activities and quick access to creating new posts. This page usually displays.
- At a glance, describe the amount of content that has been uploaded to the website (posts, pages (page), categories, tags) and describe them (website theme) currently in use.
- Activity, explains the list of recent activities for publishing articles on the website.
- Quick draft, used to post content quickly, with simpler content settings.
- WordPress news, displays the latest news updates and information from the WordPress website.
Also read: Initial Introduction to WordPress-Based Websites
This is a menu for creating and editing posts or articles.
- All posts, is a menu used to display and manage all previously created content posts.
- Add new, used to create new posts/articles.
- Categories, are used to add specific categories.
- Tags, is used to add keywords
It is a place to store files on the website, consisting of various formats such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, DOC, PPT, ODT, and other formats.
- Library, contains a list file-file
- Add new, used to upload files from a computer to a website for reuse.
Used to view and edit comments entered on the web/blog.
Almost the same as a post, but this is static.
- All Pages, to edit pages which have existed.
- Add New, to add page
Used to create a slideshow in the form of photos.
Functions to create a specific page layout design.
Used to create a specific site plan according to use, which can be applied to specific pages
Used to create a gallery of photo documentation of activities.
Used to view and manage user profiles.
This is an additional facility for the web, which will display various facilities and plugins already installed on WordPress.
- Import is used to enter the content of other blogs that you have saved to your blog.
- Export, is used to save your blog, so it can be imported to other blogs.
- Backup, is used to back up your website data.