Singaraja – Ganesha University of Education re-verifies the documents required for applicantsNational Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) Student Admissions for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. Hundreds of registration documents were indicated to be invalid, so Undiksha provided opportunities for applicants to rebut and verify again. This verification process was carried out at the Undiksha Auditorium Building on Monday (5/6/2023).
Information and Communication Technology Academic Support Unit (UPA ICT) Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha), Singaraja, Bali, plays an important role in the process of re-verifying the completeness of the 2023 National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) documents. UPA ICT Undiksha actively participates in verification activities to ensure the validity of the document requirements for applicants.
In an effort to carry out its duties as a Selection System Manager and Developer at Undiksha, UPA ICT has an important responsibility in accessing Undiksha SNBP participant data. Therefore, this unit is also involved in re-verifying documents for SNBP pathway participants for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.
The re-verification process involves checking documents such as report card scores recorded in the School and Student Data Base (PDSS) with scans of report card scores uploaded by applicants. In addition, diploma/SKL documents and certificates of health or color blindness are also the focus of verification, to ensure the completeness and suitability of these documents.
This verification process received direct monitoring from the Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Cooperation of Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T., M.T.I. He was accompanied by the Head of the Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Drs. I Made Yasa, M.Pd. and Head of UPA ICT Undiksha, I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T., M.Kom. Re-verification is carried out with the aim of helping prospective students who experience problems in the verification process on the system, as well as carrying out the mandate that has been given. Prof. Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes emphasized that this verification is very important to do, considering that documents such as report cards, diplomas/SKL, certificates of health, and color blindness are indicators in the selection of new student admissions, especially through the SNBP route. “The university verifies to ensure that the value recorded on the PDSS is the same as the original value,” he said.
Undiksha has prepared two verification schemes, namely offline verification for prospective students who are in the Province of Bali which is carried out at the Undiksha Auditorium Building, and online verification for prospective students who are outside the Bali region.
Based on the data, as many as 787 prospective students were accepted through the SNBP route. However, as many as 131 prospective students have to go through a re-verification process. Prospective students who are not present in the verification process both offline and online will be deemed to have resigned.
Undiksha hopes that in the future, inputting documents into the new student admission registration system can become a serious concern for prospective participants and the school to avoid similar mistakes.