Towards ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation, UPT TIK Undiksha Conducts Internal Audit

In order to ensure the suitability of the implementation of the Quality Management System in the Information and Communication Technology Technical Implementation Unit of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, UPT ICT once again carried out online activities which took place from June 15 to 16, 2022.

Accompanied by consultant Dr. Erwin, ST., MT., CLA, the agenda of activities that are scheduled for two days, discusses the refresh of ISO activities, internal audits and management reviews. The main objective is to re-assure the readiness of the ICT team ahead of the external audit which is planned to be held on 25 – 27 July.

Broadly speaking, audit activities are carried out by digging up information related to business processes, risk management, opportunity management, quality policies and objectives, roles, functions and responsibilities, to documented information. Internal audit activities were carried out by 5 appointed UPT ICT staff auditors, with the task of auditing the leadership, secretary, 5 divisions of UPT ICT, the ISO Team Leader and the document control team to test readiness and look for weaknesses that could later be corrected for document and service improvements. according to ISO standards.

The internal audit activities were greatly benefited by all ISO teams, apart from learning to be auditors and auditees together, various weaknesses were found that should be corrected by each team, one of which, for example, was the readiness of documents for proof of implementation of existing business flows.

“This is one of the weaknesses that should be corrected so that when an audit is carried out by the ISO Accessor team, there are no gaps that make us doubt,” said Dr. Erwin, S.T., MT. as a consultant.

The implementation of the internal audit took place with great enthusiasm from the ISO team, the findings of various major gaps will soon be corrected in increasing readiness to welcome ISO certification.

Besides the high expectations of the leadership to get the target of the ISO certificate, UPT ICT is also expected to not only focus on the target of the certificate. In the future, all business management activities that have been carried out during ISO activities are expected to continue to be used, developed and implemented in every ICT service. So that the targets and objectives are realized on a regular basis so as to support the vision and mission of UPT ICT and Undiksha.

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