Sister and E-Ganesha Socialization for Ganesha Education University Lecturers

Taking place virtually using Zoom, Ganesha University of Education carried out outreach to improve the quality of Tri Dharma by filling out Sister and E-Ganesha for lecturers on campus. The activity was opened directly by Vice Chancellor 2 Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd.

The Head of UPT ICT was present to provide socialization material for sisters and E-Ganesha, the participants present (lecturers) were introduced to tutorials on the use of sister Undiksha and socialization on the use of various E-Ganesha applications for CPNS lecturers in 2020.

The SISTER application issued by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education is a form of support for the duties and functions of the Directorate General of Science, Technology, and Higher Education Resources in efforts to use information technology, especially within higher education institutions. Data from educators such as lecturers is needed because it has a lot of information related to the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. This information includes educational background, teaching activities, research activities, community service activities, and supporting activities that can be input into the system. The SISTER application system allows lecturers to build, edit, and add data to complete their portfolio.