Free Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Students

In the ever-evolving digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has become the center of attention in various industries. For students interested in the field of AI, having access to free AI tools and platforms can be a valuable opportunity. This article will discuss some examples of AI that can help students in AI learning, research, and development.

Before proceeding, What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that focuses on developing computers or systems that can perform tasks that require human intelligence. The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was first introduced in 1956 by John McCharty of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). According to John McCarthyArtificial Intelligence or artificial intelligence is the process of modeling human thinking and designing a machine so that it can behave like a human In other terms it is called cognitive tasks, namely how the machine can learn automatically from data and information that has been programmed. The goal of AI is to create machines that are able to think, learn, plan, and complete tasks independently.

AI is used in fields such as industrial automation, autonomous vehicles, voice recognition, data analysis, natural language processing, drug development, finance, and many more. Within the scope of education, AI can play a role in many aspects and is believed to be able to help students learn better and achieve educational goals more effectively. Now for students who are studying, here are 8 examples of Artificial Intelligence platforms that can be used to support education during college:

    Is a platform that uses AI technology for transcription and recording of meetings. Students can use to automatically record and save meeting transcripts. This way, they can easily refer back to important information discussed during the meeting.
  2. ChatGPT
    Is an AI language model developed by OpenAI. By using ChatGPT, students can interact with AI and get answers to their questions. The platform provides an opportunity to explore various topics, broaden knowledge, and get useful AI advice.
  3. Bing Chat
    Is a chatbot platform built using AI technology. Students can use Bing Chat to build and train their own chatbot free of charge. This Microsoft AI chat will answer with a reference link. By developing chatbots, students can learn how to implement AI in human-machine interactions and improve their software development skills.
  4. Wizdom
    Is an AI platform that helps students learn and remember information more effectively. The platform uses machine learning techniques to present educational content adaptively, thus facilitating learning that is tailored to individual needs. Wizdom supports research with international research data sources.
  5. Canvas AI
    Is a feature in Canva’s graphic design platform. This AI can help students in designing various materials, such as posters, presentations, and graphics. Using Canva AI, students can easily produce professional designs without the need for in-depth design skills. Canva AI can help students turn written descriptions into digital images.
    Is an AI platform specifically designed to assist students in making effective presentations. This platform uses AI technology to analyze the content of the presentation and provide feedback on the quality, and suitability of the content and layout of the slides. This platform can help make presentations by just writing down the points.
  7. Grammarly
    Is an AI tool that assists students in correcting grammar, spelling, and writing style. Students can use Grammarly to correct grammatical errors and improve the quality of their writing. This tool can be integrated with various writing platforms, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
  8. SpeechText
    Is an AI platform that converts speech into text automatically. Students can use SpeechText to turn recorded lectures, interviews, or other audio materials into searchable text. This makes it easier to revise notes and find important information quickly.

Of the eight platforms above, which do you think is most helpful for lectures?

With access to various AI tools and platforms, students have an exciting opportunity to explore and harness the potential of AI in the educational process. By leveraging these tools, students can broaden their knowledge of AI and apply AI expertise in a variety of fields.

Keep in mind that this platform can be accessed for free and for a fee to enjoy more complete facilities.

AI technology should be used optimally according to its capacity and function. The use and application of AI require good knowledge and understanding of the concepts and techniques involved. Therefore, it is advisable to learn the basic concepts of AI and understand how to implement them using this digital platform.

Hopefully, this article is useful, don’t forget to read other articles.

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