Consolidating Preparations for the Launch of Electronic Signatures, UPT ICT Again Holds Team Work Meetings

UPT ICT will launch the latest e-Ganesha information system with an electronic signature feature, planned to be held on Wednesday (4/12) at the same time as the 2022 Ganesha Education University Budget Material Coordination Meeting (Rakorbang) which will be held at Inna Grand Bali Beach. In this regard, in order to strengthen preparations, an internal meeting was held which was attended by all members of the UPT ICT team. The meeting was held on Friday (29/11) led directly by the Chair of the ICT UPT and accompanied by the secretary. There were several things discussed, such as preparation of the system used, information on the flow/rundown of the launching event, socialization/sharing of the implementation of electronic signatures that will be applied at the launching event, as well as discussions on various matters related to improving the system in the future.

At the launch, the digital signatures of officials at the Ganesha University of Education will also be recorded. The mechanism designed to facilitate socialization is that all UPT ICT employees accompany the participants who attend. It is hoped that all activities carried out will run well and smoothly. For information, the implementation of electronic signatures is the result of collaboration between UPT ICT Undiksha and the National Cyber ??and Crypto Agency (BSSN) of the Republic of Indonesia. Undiksha is the second State University institution (after the University of Indonesia) to successfully collaborate with BSSN through BSrE in implementing digital signatures.