Kuwera Undiksha System Development Follow-up Meeting

On January 8, 2024, the Undiksha Information and Communication Technology Academic Support Unit (UPA ITIK) ??room witnessed the continuation of discussions on the development of the Kuwera system. This meeting was attended by several Kuwera staff, the Head of UPA ICT Undiksha, and programmers involved in developing the system.

This discussion was a further step from the previous meeting, where the relevant parties discussed several improvements that needed to be made based on previous input and evaluation. The results of the discussion noted several positive developments in the Kuwera system development project.

One of the main focuses of this meeting was an update on repair progress. The Kuwera system development team has successfully implemented many improvements based on previously received input. In the spirit of collaboration, Kuwera staff and programmers work together to identify and respond to needs expressed by system users.

As part of the development process, savings and loan module testing was also carried out. These tests aim to ensure that the module operates effectively, provides a better user experience, and minimizes the potential for system errors. The test results will become the basis for further improvements before the Kuwera system is ready to be launched.

Apart from that, this meeting also provides momentum to plan outreach activities. The developer and UPA ICT Undiksha together prepared an outreach plan for members who will use the Kuwera system. It is hoped that this socialization will provide a better understanding of new features, usage procedures, and the benefits that users can obtain.