Starting the 2023 activities, on Monday (9/1), the first meeting of the UPT TIK team was held, which was started by the Information Systems Division. The activity occurred in the afternoon in the Programmer Room, with the agenda of reviewing the target system completed in 2022. The plan will soon be carried out business process validation, socialization and User Acceptance Test (UAT).
Some systems developed in 2022 and discussed include the Thesis System, E-sarpras, KKP, Financial Report System, Room Lending System, ONE System, and E-Office Update. The meeting was chaired by the Head of UPT TIK, I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T., M.Kom. and accompanied by the Head of SI Division I Nyoman Laba Jayanta, S.Pd., M.Pd.
On the same occasion, the Head of UPT TIK reminded that all systems must retrieve data through the data centre. Data consistency, such as the number of students, must be checked to maintain the consistency of data owned by UPT TIK.
The e-Ganesha mobile attendance application system was also discussed. In the future, there will be additional features for making reminder notifications on the Attendance system. The remuneration system evaluation meeting, preparing the system for BKD reporting and the performance of the helpdesk team were also additional discussions during the discussion with the programmer team.