UPA ICT Optimizes the Independent Pathway New Student Selection System

The Information and Communication Technology Academic Support Unit (UPA TIK) of the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) has held an important meeting to discuss updating the system for selecting prospective new students through the Undiksha independent pathway in 2023. This meeting aims to increase efficiency and accuracy in the selection process and ensure quality accepted students.

The meeting which involved the selection system development team focused on optimizing the selection system through the use of Computer Based Writing Test (UTBK) scores as a selection indicator. In this discussion, several important matters were discussed to improve and increase the quality of the selection system.

One of the main reforms that became the focus of the discussion was the use of the UTBK score as one of the selection indicators. UTBK is a computer-based national exam that involves several subjects, including Mathematics, Indonesian, English, and the Scientific or Social Sciences Test. In this new selection system, UTBK scores will be an important factor in assessing the academic ability of prospective students.