Located in Ganesha Room 3, Rectorate Building of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, on Thursday (23/2), a session of the Quality Control Team 1 Discussion of Initial / Preliminary Reports in the framework of the preparation of Architecture and Electronic Based Government System Plan Map of Buleleng Regency for 2024-2028 at the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Agency of Buleleng Regency took.
This activity is a collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering and Vocational Research Team Undiksha and the Buleleng Regency Government. This activity invited various leaders in the Buleleng Regency Government, totaling 45 invitations attached.
The Architecture of Electronic-Based Government Systems is carried out to follow up on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems, which will be used as a reference for strategies, as well as policy directions, to support the achievement of the vision and mission. The activity was an initial initiation activity to explore information and further create a plan map. A plan map is an initial planning for activities or matters related to Electronic-Based Government Systems in each Central Agency and Local Government.
This activity was opened directly by the Regional Secretary of Buleleng Regency, Drs. Gede Suyasa.., M. Pd., and also attended by Assistants of the Regional Secretariat of Buleleng Regency, Assistants, and Expert Staff of the Regent of Buleleng, Heads of Regional Apparatus of Buleleng Regency, Heads of Sections of the Regional Secretariat of Buleleng Regency, Managing Directors of BUMDs of Buleleng Regency, Universities, DPRD of Buleleng Regency, BUMN / BUMD, related Agencies / Institutions, Groups / Community Organizations, Regional Development Planning Agency of Buleleng Regency, The Quality Control Team (TPM) of Research and Development, the Implementation Team of Ganesha Education University, the Technical Team for the Preparation of the Architecture and Map of the Buleleng Regency SPBE Plan for 2024-2028, the Self-Managed Supervisory Team for the Preparation of the Architecture and Map of the Buleleng Regency Electronic-Based Government System Plan for 2024-2028 and the Economic and Development Staff of the Buleleng Regency Balitbang Inovda.
In general, Electronic-Based Government Systems architecture and plans in the future are expected to have an impact on performance effectiveness and efficiency. As well as service systems that are still managed in each OPD, they can be centralized and accessed easily in the future. “With SPBE, the goal is to make it easier for the government to carry out governance, both efficiency issues, planning, budgeting, and program effectiveness,” said the Secretary of Buleleng. (hms)