1. The standard operating procedure applies to all users of the Computer Laboratory room facilities.
  2. All users are prohibited to:
    • Damaging, unplugging any cables or devices, changing the layout of computers, monitors, and other things that interfere with the smoothness and neatness of the Computer Laboratory.
    • Take any items that are assets of the Computer Laboratory.
    • Leave any items, leftovers, or trash in the Computer Laboratory.
    • Wearing sandals, wearing inappropriate clothes, smoking.
    • Turning a distracting any audio-visual devices.
    • Using the computer laboratory facilities for activities unrelated to the computer, such as making mock-ups, drawing, etc.
    • Install ANY program without the permission of the assistant or technician
  3. Sanctions for any violations displayed above:
    • Reprimand by assistant or technician and report concerned to the Coordinator of the Computer Laboratory.
    • Name and NIM (student’s number identification) are recorded for further prohibition from using Computer Laboratory facilities.